.What makes a risk assessment site-specific?
Site-specific risk assessments are risk assessments that have been adapted to a specific site, and only contain relevant information for that particular project. Site-specific risk assessments take into account the actual site conditions and type of project and address only the relevant hazards.
Well, in the construction industry, your sites are likely to change often. Due to the nature of construction work, you are constantly moving from project to project, and site to site. Once one task is complete, you move on to the next. One week you can be fixing a toilet in an empty residential property, and the next you might be installing a heating system in occupied commercial premises.
And when you change to a new job, the hazards might be different. The work you are doing might be different. The environment you are working in might be different. And your risk assessments need to be updated to assess the risk at the new project or site.